If you just bought an electric vehicle, you will discover that you have two options for refueling: at-home or public charging stations.


Besides the obvious convenience of charging any time in privacy, home charging comes with no extra cost except for the electricity you use. Typically, there are two ways to charge your EV at home. The first type is known as Level 1 charging, which simply requires a standard electric outlet and the charging cable that comes with your vehicle.


Level 1 charging is best suited to EVs with limited daily mileage as this is the slowest charging method. For a faster charge, some EV owners prefer installing a Level 2 home charger instead. These are wall boxes that cost between $400-$800, which licensed electricians can install for 240-volt outlets.


Pros and Cons of Public Charging Stations


While public charging stations have no initial installation costs, they can be harder to find in different parts of cities or unfamiliar areas, and may have higher charging rates compared to home chargers.


Most public charging stations have fast chargers that would come in handy if you are in a rush or require a quick charge. Meanwhile, you may need to wait in line at charging stations, on top of the time it takes to fully charge your vehicle.


There are indeed some public stations that offer free charging for new EV owners, albeit for a limited amount of time. Typically, these deals are arranged by carmakers with charging networks for an initial period of time. Also, if you prefer to charge your EV at commercial Level 3 fast-charging stations, there is a risk that your vehicle’s battery may degrade faster than if you charged mostly at home.


Meanwhile, public charging is still useful for refueling on trips. Many fast-charging stations are installed conveniently on highways for EVs on road trips. For electric vehicles that do not have access to home chargers, public charging stations are widely available in many locations, and are available to any EV owner regardless of their charging needs and times.


Some public charging stations also offer advanced features such as network connectivity, payment systems, and remote monitoring, providing additional convenience and functional options for EV owners.


Pros and Cons of Home Charging


While charging at home could mean plugging your EV into the wall outlet for hours at a time, you can charge at any time and even when you sleep – when electricity rates are usually lower. Charging at home means you will be paying for the same electricity whether you are powering your EV or mobile phone.


With smart technology built-in, home EV chargers can help further reduce costs by timing charges to coincide with times of lower electricity rates. If you happen to have solar panels at home, you can also deliver electricity to your charger by connecting it to the panels.


Home chargers usually have an upfront cost for installation, which may include electrical work, permits, and equipment costs. In the long run though, home charging can be more cost-effective, especially with lower home electricity rates and tax credits. Apart from cost, the key benefits of home charging include:


Greater convenience: It is simply much more convenient to charge your electric vehicle at home than to find a public charge point, especially if you happen to be in an unfamiliar part of town. Instead of stressing to find a public station every time you need to charge, you can recharge anytime at home or even overnight.


Tailored experience: Home charging units can be tailored to the specific charging preferences and needs of the EV owner, providing a more personalized experience.


Increased home value: As more homeowners switch to using electric vehicles, a home that comes with an EV charging station will potentially make it more attractive for buyers, and even help you sell it for a higher price.


Choose Volchar for Your Home Charging Needs


Considering the many benefits of home EV charging, you might want to have a charging unit installed in your home. It is important to note that not all EVs are compatible with all types of chargers. Some electric vehicles come with different charging connectors and specifications, so you will need to ensure that your EV is compatible with the charger you plan to purchase.


If you are interested in purchasing an EV charger, get in touch with us and find out more about Volchar’s home EV chargers. We will recommend the right charging station for your specific needs and budget.


All in all, the pros and cons of at-home and public EV charging will depend on factors such as location, costs, available charging infrastructure, and individual preferences. It is recommended for owners to consider them carefully before making a final choice.